Nina Capital Nurtures Early-Stage Healthtechs

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Steeped in the methodology of Stanford Biodesign, the founder of Nina Capital did a needs-finding exercise, finding a gap at the intersection of early-stage investing, deep tech, and healthcare in Europe. The firm launched in Barcelona in 2019 and in less than two years (and during the pandemic), has invested in 18 innovative early-stage start-ups, with more to be announced soon.

Barcelona is a wonderful place to visit and live, with its shady plane-tree lined streets, curvy and colorful Gaudi architecture, open-air markets, and its long beach season. It’s also a great location for Nina Capital, a seed-stage venture capital firm focused on health technology, according to founder Marta-Gaia Zanchi, PhD, who moved from California to Spain to help grow the value of early-stage European companies operating at the intersection of advanced technologies and healthcare. 


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