Care2Care: Bringing Light to the Darkest of Times

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Peter Fitzgerald launches an educational program aimed at expanding opportunities for Israeli and Palestinian youth.

As the chaos and stubbornness of the various factions involved in the current conflict in the Middle East spill over borders and stir up public and political discussions in the US and around the world, it can often seem futile to try to find any common ground or greater good in the current situation. However, if there is any silver lining, it is that the tragedy and suffering that occurred on October 7 and has continued since then is a burden shared by all, inspiring some well-intentioned efforts to find a glimmer of hope.

Peter Fitzgerald, MD, PhD, has long been a leading figure in innovation through his various roles as a physician, innovator, and more recently, investor in innovation.

For Fitzgerald, the tragedy unfolding in the Middle East is particularly impactful. As one of the three principals of the Israeli venture firm and incubator TriVentures, Fitzgerald has spent the last six months using his position as one of the most prominent voices in medical technology and his global connections to try to find a way toward a positive outcome in what appears to be an almost impossible situation. To this end, he has initiated a program called Care2Care.


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